STING, sitting here in the snow is the experienced man of the team. He has started at Finnmarksløpet four times before and finished FM 500 and 1000 with me in 2002 and 2005
TRANGIA has finnished fm 1000 with me and started two times with Aslak at fm 500
DØNNING has finished fm 1000 with me and fm 500 with Aslak.
MOMBA, ELTON AND KAOS has finished fm 500 with me last year.
GUNNAR, VOSKO and KESAM was at Aslaks fm 500 team last year.
TUTTA and SMIRRE are newcomers this year. Smirre migh stay home as he have had some injure problems early in the season. In addition on the team is three dogs from Arne Liaklev PUMA, SARA and CHILLI.
Elvira got a shoulder injure last weak and is not starting, Sunda has become epileptic and is a bit to risky to use, and Skare decided to join his father, Faun, running at the forewer dreamteam of Leonard Seppala.
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