Training the dogs video on this link.. The last long training started out more like swimming than sledding. With almost 1m fresh snow the first part was hard work, but Skare did his snow plow duty in lead. We spent 6 hours 40 km, not very fast, but good training. After 6 hour rest we went out again for 5 hours, then 6 more hours rest and at last a leg at 4 hours. All together we did 130 km, not very fare, but very good race preparations specially with the difficult conditions we had in the start. As you will see on the video the weather got better the second day. The dogs and the musher got necessary race and checkpoint practise like sleeping in the dog tent on the trail instead of home at the kennel. It was also good to see that there is some good new lead dogs coming up. Momba is taking more and more over as a responsible lead dog, it seams like he already has got the important skill of finding old disappeared trails and leading off trail. All together we now have 2800 km of training since we started this season in August. Tommy and Ronny has come from Tromsø and stayed here for training the last two days, grate with visitors and good to keep the trail open...
To day is the start of Femundsløpet 600 km and to Morrow Femundsløpet 400 km starts. It is going to be a exciting weekend following the teams on Internet at
Specially I am very exited to see how Olav is doing representing the neighbourhood...
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