Monday, January 18, 2010

New Blog Site

I have now upgraded the website and moved the blog to this site.

For future updates please visit

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

New Year

Normally we feed the dogs on their chains or harnessed in the team, but when they stay in the dog room in the barn I have fed them loose all 17. It is interesting to see how they behave in this situation. No one is allowed to touch the meet in the bucket and Vosko is making sure it does not happen...

Tuva got her first sled for christmas and is now taking her share in the training.

After long distances on relatively hard surface before christmas we are now having some days of workout with steep hills and soft snow. It does not go fast, but the dogs have to work hard and it gives good lead dog training. On the cold days it is also much warmer up in the mountains than here down in the valley. We started home at 80 meter above sea level and climbed a peak of 1200m. On the way we went trough several mountains passes and some interesting places, specially when my brake broke...